Thursday, July 29, 2004

The Day Telecom met Hardware and Software

So what happens when a Guy from Telecom catches up with his counterpart in Hardware and Software? Is it the formation of a new company????.........perhaps.....well, no better place to bring forth that idea than at BandStand......and yes I was there too......well,you see since I like clicking snaps, they made me in-charge of Corporate Communications........and as Vishal, Dharmesh and Ninad discussed about their new company, guess what I was doing......nah, I was not taking down the minutes of the meeting, they still haven't told me how much they are going to pay me to do that........I infact decided to come up with a book titled "Sams:Teach Yourself to kiss in 24 Hours"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shiva here:
Teen langoor jab saath aatey hai toh what u expect??
And at a place like bandstand if people discuss abt new company rather then looking around then i can understand that something is missing in them.

July 29, 2004 at 6:22:00 PM GMT+5:30  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's missing is an ***Hole. He's in Hyderabad passing shit.
- The ***Hole's Dearest Friend.

July 30, 2004 at 4:23:00 AM GMT+5:30  

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